Heavy Armor ๐Ÿ”ถ

Description Heavy Armor represents how well you are able to protect yourself using highly protective, but heavier armor. Heavy Armor significantly slows you down but is much better for the player that prefers staying in battle and dealing as much damage as they can, but will put you at a disadvantage should you ever need to retreat.

How to gain EXP You gain EXP for every point of damage you take. This is before mitigations, so having an increased armor value does not decrease EXP. You gain a slight EXP multiplier bonus for each point of armor of the type you have. You gain additional EXP for every second you're in combat, and this exp is granted when leaving combat. All this experience is multiplied by the amount of pieces of heavy armor you're wearing.

Special Notes By default, heavy armor slows you down for 7.5% per piece, or 30% with a full set. This movement speed penalty can be reduced through perk investment. Heavy armor provides an additional 5% projectile damage reduction, 2.5% melee damage reduction, 5% explosion resistance, 5% knockback reduction and 7.5% crit chance resistance for every piece of heavy armor worn.


Perks Heavy Armor provides armor bonusses, damage reflection, health regeneration, set bonusses, Rage, etc.

Abilities: >Rage Usage: Passive Description: When your health hits a certain percentage threshold, Rage is triggered, granting you various buffs that help you fight even more effectively and stay in battle longer.

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