Mining ⛏
Description Mining is your proficiency in resource gathering from rock and ores. The higher your skill in mining, the more resources you'll be able to extract from them. Mining also offers buffs to blast mining, making them a far more useful and beneficial method of resource gathering.
How to gain EXP You get experience through mining, specifically how many drops you get from a block. The more rare or difficult to mine a drop is, the more EXP it grants. Since EXP is based off of the drop amounts, using fortune will also grant you a lot more EXP. Using silk touch will grant about 2x drop EXP instead.
Perks Mining offers drop multipliers, mining speed, furnace cooking speed, TNT blasting power, vein mining, drilling, etc.
Abilities: >Vein Mining Usage: Sneak while mining an ore block Description: Instantly mines a single cluster of blocks. Blocks must be touching on their faces, edges, or corners to be considered connected.
>Drilling Usage: Sneak and right-click while holding a pickaxe Description: Briefly grants you a significant boost to mining speed. Has a cooldown
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