Farming πΎ
Description Farming is your proficiency in farming and lifestock keeping. The higher your skill in farming, the more food you'll be able to extract from crops and animals.
How to gain EXP You get experience through farming and breeding animals. Like Mining, EXP is based on the drops of your crops/animals and not the destroying/killing of them, so the Looting and Fortune enchantments will help you get more EXP.
Perks Farming offers drop multipliers, experience orb drops, damage vs animals, beekeeping buffs, instant harvesting, etc.
Abilities: >Instant Harvest Usage: Right-click on a crop Description: A quality-of-life perk that allows you to harvest and replant a crop without having to break it
>Field Harvest: Usage: Sneak-right-click on a crop Description: Harvests a large field of crops almost instantly
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